S.E. Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche: Instruction in the practice of Tara
H.E. Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche: Teachings in Tara Practice
H.E. Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche visited the Druk Kunzig Ling center on May 5 and gave profound teachings on the basics of the practice.
He pointed out the importance of studying one's mind very carefully. In order to attain authentic happiness, he said, the ability to take responsibility for oneself is necessary. In vivid pictures, H.E. described obstacles and attachments that can directly affect our environment. Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche introduced a breathing meditation to center the mind and motivated all participants to practice it regularly.
This intensive day in the Dharma was rounded off with a Tara practice, Tsok Offering and taking refuge for some participants.
H.E. Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche heads the award-winning Druk Padma Karpo School in Ladakh, northern India. It is considered one of the best schools in India. Together with the Gyalwang Drukpa, the founder of the Live To Love movement, he has initiated, also in Ladakh, the animal welfare project Live To Rescue for street dogs and other animals in need, which has a model character for the entire Himalayas.
Since last year, he has presided over the Naropa Fellowship, an academic post-graduate program for young leaders from the region. In addition, Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche leads the internationally renowned Hemis Monastery in Ladakh on behalf of the Gyalwang Drukpa and directs the Druk Sangag Choeling Monastery in Darjeeling.

Photos: © Agnes Forsthuber