During His visit to Hamburg in 2012, His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa gave an extensive interview on various topics. On this page we have compiled an overview of the individual parts for you.
H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa talks about His incarnations, the history and the importance of the Drukpa Order.
ive To Love and the background: H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa on the genesis, basic motivation and essential pillars of the Live To Love international movement.
The nuns' kung fu and women's equality: H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa Explains the Motivations of His Commitment to the Empowerment of Women and the Issue of Equal Rights.
Equality is important for world peace. The Gyalwang Drukpa explains the potential of both sexes and tells about the nuns in the Drukpa order who are taught Kung Fu.
H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa explains the spiritual meaning of individual sequences of the Chöd dance and emphasizes the special feature that it is danced by nuns.
Pilgrimages on foot: H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa on the tradition of pilgrimage, His initiative to revive it and the related issue of environmental protection.
Those who care only for themselves get nothing in return. Only through commitment to others can true self-confidence, happiness and satisfaction develop, says the Gyalwang Drukpa.
Compassion: H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa talks about the true meaning of compassion and love.
During His visit to Hamburg in 2012, the Ethnological Museum exhibited the statue of the first Gyalwang Drukpa Tsangpa Gyare. The Gyalwang Drukpa tells about the statue.
The wishes of Gyalwang Drukpa: H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa speaks about His wishes for the future, emphasizes the importance of respectful treatment of life and the earth, and explains the connection of cause and effect.
Many thanks for this wonderful work and the generous efforts of the film team: Pia Busse, Asgard Niemeier, Andre Konarske and Dirk Ferber, Christoph Hallmann.
The following publications of the H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa have been available in German and can be ordered through → Drukpa Hamburg. Shipping costs will be added. For further information please contact

His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa: Is Buddhism a religion and what is it worth living?
Suttas of H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa on the occasion of his first visit in Hamburg on 5. / 6. January in the Curiohouse.
ISBN: 978-3-00-036976-6
€ 18,90

H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa: "The Other Path"
"The Other Path" is the first German translation of H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa books. It is also a textbook in Buddhist philosophy, as well as a spiritual counselor and an excellent companion on the way to a fulfilled life. Written with profound content and in accessible language, it is available in bookstores or directly from Drukpa Hamburg. (2012)
ISBN: 978 -3-9815333-0-9
€ 21,00

His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa: Every day enlightenment - The road to peace
The book is to find an inspiring guide, happiness in everyday life and to overcome challenges with ease. It contains many practical exercises and meditations. In fascinating personal anecdotes of the Gyalwang Drukpa Buddhist wisdom applies to modern living conditions and points the way to more serenity and peace in life. (2014) Rowohlt-Verlag
ISBN: 978-3-499-63035-4
€ 9,99
Audio Teachings
Here you will find our audio recordings, which you can order as MP3 via → Drukpa Hamburg.
Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche:
The Chenrezig-Practise (English / German, 2017)
€ 29,90
Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche:
The Practise of the Green Tara (English / German, 2015)
€ 29,90
Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche:
Sangye Mela & Boddhicitta (English / German, 2011)
€ 29,90
Khenpo Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche:
Economic and monetary Boddhicitta & Vajrapani from the perspective of the universal wisdom" (Tibetan / German, 2011)
€ 19,90
Khenpo Sonam Gyatso Rinpoche:
Boddhicitta & Vajrapani (Tibetan / German, 2011)
€ 29,90
Ven. Drubpon Ngawang:
Guru Dewa (Tibetan / German, 2013)
€ 29,90
Ven. Drubpon Ngawang:
Bardo Practise (Tibetan / German, 2012)
€ 29,90
Ven. Drubpon Ngawang:
Mahamudra (Tibetan / German, 2011)
€ 29,90
Ven. Drubpon Ngawang:
Yangti Ritual (Tibetan / German, 2016)
€ 29,90
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo:
Mind and Matter (English / German, 2016)
€ 12,00
Ven. Drubpon Ngawang:
The 37 Excercises of the Bodhisattvas (English / German, 2017)
€ 29,90
Prayer Texts

A Rosary of Jewels
€ 30,-
plus shipping
(Edition Drukpa Plouray) Tibetan / English
The "A Rosary of Jewels" includes all relevant prayer texts of the Drukpal Lineage. You can order it at the above price from → Drukpa Hamburg. It will be sent to you as a printed copy.
Supplication Prayers
- Noble Prayer to the Eight Holders of Prosperity
- Homage to the Twelve Deeds of the Supreme Guide, the Perfekt Buddha
- Homage to Lord Naropa
- A Praise of the Omniscient Lord Padma Karpo
- Calling the Guru from Afar
Lineage Prayers
- Prayer to the Lineage of Bodhisattva Vows of the Middle Path
- Praxer to the Gurus of the Glorious Drukpa Lineage
Widh-Fulfilling Prayers to Remove Obstacles
- The Four Mandala Puja to Noble Green Tara
- In Praise of White Tara
- Riwo Sang Chö
- Tashi Rekong
- Lungta Yarkyé
Confession Prayers for Purification
- Sutra of the Three Heaps
- The Confession Prayer with regard to the Fourteen Root Downfalls of Vyjrayana
- Nyungnay Practice
Aspiration Prayers
- The King of Aspiration Prayers
- The Noble Aspiration Prayer of Maitreya
- Daily Aspiration Prayer of the King and the Subjects
- Aspiration Prayer fot All Beings as Limitless as the Sky
- An Abridged Prayer for Rebirth in Dewachen
- Aspiration Prayer to be Reborn in Dewachen
- Prayer for the Spreading of the Teachings of the Glorious Drukpa
Specific Practices
- Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
- The Recitation for Avalokiteshvara Meditation
- Gutu Yoga
- Yangti Ritual
- Daily Practice of Vajra Varahi
- Daily Practice of Yeshe Tshogyal
- Sengey Tsewa Chöd
- Daily Practice to Propitiate All teh Dharmapalas
- A Concise Torma Offering
- The Bardo Prayer
- The Practice of Phowa
- Short Tshog Offering to the Three Roots
- The Lamp Offering Prayer
Buddhist Holidays 2023
MARCH 2023
1.3. Guru Rinpoche, Birthday of H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa and H.E. Kyabje Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche
7.3. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon, Chothrul Düchen, End
17.3. Dakini
20.3. Dharma Schützer
21.3. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
29.3. Medizin Buddha, Western Birthday of H.E. Gyalwa Dokhampa Jigme Pema Nyinjadh
31.3. Guru Rinpoche
APRIL 2023
5.4. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon
15.4. Dakini
19.4. Dharma Schützer
20.4. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
28.4. Medizin Buddha
30.4. Guru Rinpoche
MAY 2023
5.5. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon, Düekhor Düchen
14.5. Dakini
18.5. Dharma Schützer
19.5. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
26.5. Tampei Düchen
27.5. Medizin Buddha
30.5. Guru Rinpoche
JUNE 2023
4.6. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon, Sangyé & Nyangdé Düchen
13.6. Dakini
17.6. Dharma Schützer
18.6. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
26.6. Medizin Buddha
28.6. Guru Rinpoche
JULY 2023
3.7. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon
12.7. Dakini
16.7. Dharma Schützer
17.7. Buddha Shakyamuni – New moon
21.7. Chöekhor Düchen
26.7. Medizin Buddha
28.7. Guru Rinpoche
1.8. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon, Lhumsu Zhugpei Düchen
11.8. Dakini
15.8. Dharma Schützer
16.8. Buddha Shakyamuni – New moon
24.8. Medizin Buddha
26.8. Guru Rinpoche
31.8. Buddha Amitabha - Vollmond
9.9. Dakini
13.9. Dharma Schützer
14.9. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
23.9. Medizin Buddha
24.9. Guru Rinpoche
29.9. Buddha Amitabha – Full moon
9.10. Dakini
13.10. Dharma Schützer
14.10. Buddha Shakyamuni - Neumond
22.10. Medizin Buddha
24.10. Guru Rinpoche
28.10. Buddha Amitabha – Vollmond
4.11. Lhabab Düchen
07.11. Dakini
12.11. Dharma Schützer
13.11. Buddha Shakyamuni - Neumond
20.11. Medizin Buddha
22.11. Guru Rinpoche
27.11. Buddha Amitabha – Vollmond
7.12. Dakini
11.12. Dharma Schützer
12.12. Buddha Shakyamuni - Neumond
20.12. Medizin Buddha
22.12. Guru Rinpoche
26.12. Buddha Amitabha - Vollmond
6.1. Dakini
10.1. Dharma Schützer
11.1. Buddha Shakyamuni - New moon
18.1. Medizin Buddha
20.1. Guru Rinpoche
25.1. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon
5.2. Dakini
8.2. Dharma Schützer
9.2. Buddha Shakyamuni – New moon
10.2. Losar, Chothrul Düchen, Start
17.2. Medizin Buddha
19.2. Guru Rinpoche, Birthday of H.H. Gyalwang Drukpa and S.E. Kyabje Drukpa Thuksey Rinpoche
24.2. Buddha Amitabha - Full moon, Chothrul Düchen, End